Power. Progress. Change.
3-6 June 2019 • Vancouver, Canada
View Schedule

Tuesday 4 June

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Rural Women: Learning and Leading

Organized by: Landesa, Rights and Resources One of the greatest challenges identified by rural women and their allies is gaining access to information in order to better understand the technical elements of policies. This session showcases how education,…

Esther Mwaura-Muiru Madeline Wells Kalpana Giri Karol Boudreaux
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Pushing Back Against the Pushback: The Power of Women’s Organizations to Resist Resurgent National Authoritarianism

Organized by: Women Deliver Progress in gender equality is under threat in many parts of the world. What used to be considered a fringe movement has gained broader appeal and support, with a growing surge of populist and authoritarian political movements…

Carmen Barroso, PhD Jacqueline Pitanguy Neil Datta Cecilia Aransiola Jonathan Rucks Susan Papp
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Taking to the Streets, Prevailing in the Courts: Demanding the Right to Safe Abortion!

Organized by: Center for Reproductive Rights, International Planned Parenthood Federation, Ipas Advocates around the world are bravely demanding their right to abortion. Mobilization on the ground in countries and communities- and critical victories…

Evelyne Opondo Lola Guerra Houda Bouzzit Musimbi Kanyoro Ailbhe Smyth
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Money Talks: What Works in Budget Accountability?

Organized by: Equal Measures 2030, Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH), White Ribbon Alliance Is money really following political commitments on gender equality? What are the most promising budget accountability efforts and the…

Winfred Ongom Allison Merchant Rebecca Reichmann Tavares Renu Khanna Hon. Undraa Agvaanluvsan
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Integration Matters: Advancing the Lives of Girls and Women through Holistic Programming

Organized by: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Deliver for Good, Global Partnership for Education The evidence is clear: investing in girls and women in one area has a ripple effect on others, for example investing in water and sanitation in schools…

Tricia Petruney Tosin Akibu Suzanne Ehlers Beth Roberts Alice Albright Naana Opoku-Agyemang Peter Sands
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Beyond the Pilot: Scaling Up What Works in Adolescent Sexuality Education, Contraception, and Maternal Health

Organized by: Jhpiego, The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, White Ribbon Alliance, World Health Organization Pregnancy and childbirth complications are the leading cause of death among girls aged 15-19 years globally. Young mothers who survive,…

Alison Hadley Esther Corona Manasa Priya Vasudevan Dr. David Imbago Jácome Jane Gichure Otai Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Let’s Talk About It: Period!

Organized by: CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, UNFPA, We Are Purposeful Menstruating is normal. Period. In this session, an intergenerational panel will discuss how maintaining health during menstruation maintains wellbeing, mobility, and dignity. The…

Maria Carmen Punzi Dr. Julitta Onabanjo Dr. Ephraim Kinsangala Yordanos Wolde Grzegorz Żak Fatuma Kinsi Abass
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Change Begins at Home: Decent Work for Domestic Workers

Organized by: Data 2x, International Labour Organization, Oxfam Canada, International Development Research Centre Globally, 70 million domestic workers, mostly women, are busy at work inside the household, powering our homes and economies. They are also…

Nazma Yesmin Lisa Moore Bilan Arte Cecen Bagon
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Ensuring Quality of Care Throughout the Life Course for Girls and Women

Organized by: HelpAge International, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, NCD Alliance The quality of care a person receives throughout their life—from infancy and childhood, through to adolescence, adulthood, and older age—has…

Dr. Princess Nothemba (Nono) Simelela Dr. Faysal El Kak Felix Richard Manyogote Margaret Kabango Susan Brown Jenna Breuer
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Working Together to End School Related Gender-Based Violence

Organized by: PLAN International, Malala Fund, UNGEI, UNESCO More than 246 million children around the world are subjected to gender-based violence in or around schools every year. This school related gender-based violence (SRGBV) includes bullying,…

Rayne Fisher-Quann Marie Antoinette Corr Joanna Herat Nora Fyles Mohamed Sidibay Angela Benedicto Pamela Okoroigwe
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Gender and Climate Change: Climate Justice Solutions

Organized by: BSR, UNFCCC, Women’s Environment and Development Organization This session explores the linkages between gender equality, women’s empowerment and climate change by highlighting the differentiated impacts of climate change, and how they…

Hwei Mian Lim Gemma Pryor Mette Schmidt Alan Jarandilla Nuñez Fleur Newman
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Making Commitments Reality: Rights of Migrant and Refugee Women

Organized by: Save the Children Canada, Women’s Refugee Commission Displacement often compounds existing discrimination against women, such that the risks and hurdles facing girls and women seeking asylum include discriminatory family laws and nationality…

Joan Timoney Melanie Gallant Lina Abou-Habib
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

From the Playing Field to the Board Room

Organized by: Canadian Association for Advancement of Women and Sports, EIR Soccer, Women Win Sport is as an accelerator to leadership development and economic empowerment, and research shows that women are more likely to land in C-suite positions if…

Thaís Olivetti Renuka Rathore Stephanie Talsma Jennifer Heil Waneek Horn-Miller
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

The Global Gender Digital Health Divide: A Debate

Organized By: FHI 360, Path, Philips, PSI In this session, panelists will debate critical gender issues and solutions in the field of digital health. Debate topics will include: 1) gender and digital health services and application design, 2) opportunities…

Rehema Mugeta Rebecca Chiao Kate Plourde Hallie Goertz
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

When Yes Means Yes: Protecting the Right to Bodily Autonomy

Organized by: International Planned Parenthood Federation, Sonke Gender Justice, Women Enabled International Informed consent is denied in the form of sexual assault and harassment, forced sterilizations, forced marriages, forced abortions, forced contraception,…

Kristina Lod Castell Stephanie Lum Lizzie Kiama Barb Goode Anastasia Holoboff
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Creating Better Conditions for Women to Succeed in the Workplace

Organized by: Catalyst.org, Mercer, P&G Did you know that female labor force participation increases by 0.6% for every additional week of paid maternity leave; or that every additional month a father stays on leave, a mother’s salary increases by 6.7%?…

Namita Gupta Claire Humphreys Caroline Codsi Deanna Bass
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Youth-Led Activism for Social Change

Organized by: Advocates for Youth, AfriYAN, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts History is full of movements led by young people. From the US Civil Rights movement to the Arab Spring, youth-led activism has a history of pushing social change…

Sahana Afreen Kobe Smith Teboho Mohlai Valentine Muhindo Masereka Carlo Angeles
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Capacity Building and Market-Driven Skills for Power and Progress in Crisis Settings

Organized by: International Rescue Committee, Mercy Corps, World Food Programme Women are economic actors who build households and contribute to community resilience- including in humanitarian and conflict settings. This session will explore successful…

Alexandra Garcia Isatou Joof Wafa Ulliyan Angie Rozas Karen Scriven
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Powerful Partnerships: What’s the Recipe?

Organized by: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Deliver for Good, Global Partnership for Education If you are looking to leave Vancouver with a recipe for success to establish powerful cross-issue, cross-sector partnerships, this session is the place…

Gerda Verburg Memory Zonde-Kachambwa Naana Opoku-Agyemang Abdoul Karim Dosso Esnatt Gondwe Dr. Aparajita Gogoi Julie Bernstein
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST

Change Social Norms: Abandon Female Genital Mutilation

Organized by: Tostan, UNFPA, UNICEF Female Genital Mutilation, also called female genital cutting, is a reproductive health and human rights concern, with devastating impact on the lives of girls and women. Legal and policy reforms, national efforts…

Naima Dido Mouhammed Cherif Diop Jacinta Muteshi  Aya Chebbi

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