Power. Progress. Change.
3-6 June 2019 • Vancouver, Canada
View Schedule

Monday 3 June

6:00 am - 8:00 am PST

Power Dynamics and Participation in Tackling Child Marriage

Hosted by: YIDA (Plan International Netherlands, Amref Flying Doctors, Rutgers, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality and KIT Royal Tropical Institute) This breakfast meeting organized by the Yes I Do Alliance, one of the Dutch child marriage alliances will…

Side Event
6:00 am - 8:00 am PST

Power of We: When Youth Take Charge

Hosted by: Johnson & Johnson This session is part of J&J's The Power of We series aiming to explore the unlimited power of collaboration in driving change and solving global challenges. The series will bring together unlikely groups of individuals -…

Side Event
6:00 am - 8:00 am PST

Working in Solidarity: Ally and/or Accomplice?

Hosted by: Vancouver Foundation - LEVEL Initiative What does it mean to engage in policy-change work on unceded Indigenous territories? Join Vancouver Foundation's LEVEL initiative in co-creating a 'brave space' that seeks to advance racial equity with…

Side Event
6:00 am - 8:00 am PST

Challenging Power Relations to Prevent Gender Based Violence: Lessons Learned from the Multi-Country Prevention+ Programme

Hosted by: Rutgers, Promundo, Sonke Gender Justice, MenEngage Gender transformation - everyone is talking about it, but what are effective approaches? How can it contribute to the prevention of violence? Join our Prevention+ session if you're curious…

Side Event
7:30 am - 2:30 pm PST

Humanitarian Pre-Conference: Building a Feminist Approach to Humanitarian Aid

Hosted by: Women Deliver, World Food Programme During this invite-only event, women-focused civil society organizations from humanitarian settings will directly engage with international organizations and donors to discuss what a feminist humanitarian…

8:00 am - 3:00 pm PST

Private Sector Pre-Conference: How Business Can Build a “Future of Work” that Works for Women

Hosted by: BSR, Women Deliver, and McKinsey Global Institute New and profound disruptions, including the rise of automation and the flourishing of artificial intelligence, hold significant implications for women in the workplace. These dynamics stand…

8:00 am - 12:00 pm PST

Opportunities to Strengthen Measurement and Evidence-Based Policy Advocacy in Maternal Health at the Community Level

Hosted by: Population Council Using multiple community health worker performance measurement frameworks and case studies from maternal and newborn health in Nepal, Mali, and Ethiopia, this session will explore opportunities for using performance measurement…

Side Event
8:00 am - 9:30 pm PST

Youth-Powered Programming’s Next Big Thing: Going Where Girls Need Us To Go

Hosted by: Population Services International, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Children's Investment Fund Foundation By invitation only without ability to register. To reach the SDGs by 2030, we must radically change how we make contraception relevant…

Side Event
8:00 am - 2:00 pm PST

Youth Pre-Conference: Speaking Truth to Power

Hosted by: Women Deliver Young people are changing the world today, creating the reality of tomorrow. Speaking up, challenging norms, collaborating, and building networks — young advocates are driving positive change in their communities, countries,…

8:45 am - 11:00 am PST

Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls - A Shared Agenda

Hosted by: U.K. Department for International Development, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund This interactive breakfast event will highlight how policymakers, donors and international organisations can integrate the latest evidence on preventing violence…

Side Event
9:00 am - 12:00 pm PST

Accountability for SDGs and Gender Equality: Advocates and Agents Working Together

Hosted by: Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation Do you know how ADVOCATES like CSOs can work with accountability AGENTS—performance auditors and parliamentarians—to hold government accountable for gender equality and the SDGs? Find out as…

Side Event
9:00 am - 10:30 am PST

Rights, Power and Women’s Bodies

Hosted by: UK Department for International Development and UK SRHR Network The Department for International Development, in collaboration with the UK SRHR Network, presents a dynamic event looking at critical women’s rights issues that are too often…

Side Event
9:00 am - 11:00 am PST

Making the Right Decision for Baby and Me – Solving the Unacceptable Paradox for Women with Chronic Disease

Hosted by: UCB Many women with mild illnesses stop treatment for their disease while pregnant or breastfeeding due to a lack of information. But for women living with chronic diseases that may require management, this choice is not simple. Limited access…

Side Event
9:00 am - 11:00 am PST

Shifting Power with WGCD for Gender Equitable Development

Hosted by: Women and Girls at the Center of Development Learning Agenda This talk show-style panel series will kick off Women Deliver 2019 for the WGCD community, linking grantees' evidence and insights to power, progress and change. Panelists will present…

Side Event
9:00 am - 10:30 am PST

Empowering Young People Through CSE

Hosted by: IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation), Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Danish Family Planning Association We explore successful strategies for delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and will look how to do…

Side Event
9:00 am - 11:00 am PST

Better Together: Solidarity Groups to Improve Women and Girls' Well-being

Hosted by: RESULTS Educational Fund; Grameen Foundation Those of us gathering at Women Deliver come from different countries, different contexts, and different sectors. Together we offer a multitude of exciting interventions and share a common goal:…

Side Event
9:00 am - 11:00 am PST

Delivering on Gender Equality: A Male Engagement Strategy for Health Programming

Hosted by: Promundo US and Plan International Canada The support and participation of men and boys for gender equality is essential for progress on sexual and reproductive health rights of women and girls. Plan International Canada and Promundo US have…

Side Event
9:00 am - 11:00 am PST

The Path Forward: Investing in Quality and Equality for Women and Girl’s Health

Hosted by: USP and Devex This session will look at the inequality girls and women face in accessing quality medicines and diagnostics, the impact this has on health outcomes and areas of investments that will pave the way for closing the gap towards…

Side Event
9:00 am - 11:00 am PST

What If Women Drove the Product Journey for Essential Health Supplies?

Hosted by: John Snow, Inc., UN Foundation, White Ribbon Alliance, Kasha, and the Government of Ethiopia This lively session focuses on unique successes where women are front and center in shaping the product journey from manufacturer to consumer, overcoming…

Side Event
9:00 am - 11:00 am PST

Delivering a Gender Equality Framework for Community Health Workers

Hosted by: International Federation of the Red Cross and World Vision International This interactive workshop invites policy experts and practitioners, working with CHWs in fragile and humanitarian contexts, to apply a gender equality framework to the…

Side Event

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