Power. Progress. Change.
3-6 June 2019 • Vancouver, Canada
View Schedule

Tuesday 4 June

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm PST

Film Screenings: Gender Violence

Hinge (22:50) > When a mentally unstable man stops taking his antipsychotic medication his new neighbors, a lesbian couple with an idyllic life, become the target of his fixation. Director(s): Lisa Ann Mayo Unsafe in the City (1:29) > This film was produced…

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Integration Matters: Advancing the Lives of Girls and Women through Holistic Programming

Organized by: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Deliver for Good, Global Partnership for Education The evidence is clear: investing in girls and women in one area has a ripple effect on others, for example investing in water and sanitation in schools…

Tricia Petruney Tosin Akibu Suzanne Ehlers Beth Roberts Alice Albright Naana Opoku-Agyemang Peter Sands
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Rural Women: Learning and Leading

Organized by: Landesa, Rights and Resources One of the greatest challenges identified by rural women and their allies is gaining access to information in order to better understand the technical elements of policies. This session showcases how education,…

Esther Mwaura-Muiru Madeline Wells Kalpana Giri Karol Boudreaux
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm PST

Power Talks: Information, Education, Advocacy

Moderated by: Hannah Vaughan Jones, News Anchor, CNN 1:35 | Onyinye Anita Edeh, Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer, Strong Enough Girls’ Empowerment Initiative > A Nigerian-American public health researcher and girls’ rights advocate, Onyinye…

Power Stage
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Unleashing the Power of Women Entrepreneurs

Organized by: Echoing Green, WEConnect International Why do women still own very few of the world’s assets? Why do women too often focus on low-profit business? Why are women business owners invisible in global value chains? And what do we do to change…

Mary Ng Mariana Font Henriette Kolb Elizabeth Vazquez Tara Hogan Charles
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm PST

Devex at WD2019

What's next for the world's children? What's driving the improved standard of living for children and adolescents across the developing — and developed — world? With the recent releases of “The Business of Changing the World” and Save the Children's…

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Financial Education: Building Skills for Economic Empowerment

Organized by: International Development Research Centre, Pro Mujer This session takes a deeper look at the skills gaps related to financial education, as well as entrepreneurial training and workforce development—critical themes for building for economic…

Myrtille Danse Elfid Torres Maria Pacheco Diana De Castro Daniela Konietzko Jaclyn Berfond
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Sponsored Session: Empower. Listen. Act: How Women Demand Quality Health Care

Sponsored by: Merck for Mothers Education is key to ensuring access to quality health care. Health education in particular empowers women and increases their ability to seek out and advocate for the life-saving care they need. This session will explore…

Nick Oketch Sumiti Saharan Cynthia Kahumbura Sara Wolfe Mary-Ann Etiebet
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

The Power of Agency: Changemakers on surviving and preventing gender-based violence

Girls and women are too often portrayed as victims, when they are in fact powerful agents of change. In this session, we will hear from survivors of gender-based violence and advocates working to create change in their communities and around the globe.…

Nice Nailantei Leng’ete Redi Tlhabi Hadiqa Bashir Mohamed Sidibay Michael Kaufman Dr. Daniela Ligiero Hauwa
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

How Advertisers and Advocates are Dismantling Gender Stereotypes in Media

Organized by: Global Citizen, Global Press Institute, Lisa Russell Films/Create 2030, RNW Media Marketing and digital media agencies create the thousands of advertisements seen in every country every day — images which influence the way we perceive…

Vithika Yadav Léa Clermont-Dion Lopa Banerjee Lesley Slaton Brown Allison Tummon Kamphuis
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Money Talks: What Works in Budget Accountability?

Organized by: Equal Measures 2030, Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH), White Ribbon Alliance Is money really following political commitments on gender equality? What are the most promising budget accountability efforts and the…

Winfred Ongom Allison Merchant Rebecca Reichmann Tavares Renu Khanna Hon. Undraa Agvaanluvsan
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Women Deliver… Or Not: Breaking the Silence on (In)fertility

Organized by: Center for Reproductive Rights, Share-Net, World Health Organization In this session, participants will break the taboo and create a space to speak about (in) fertility, its prevalence, prevention, causes, and impact, as well as its human…

Dr. Joia Crear-Perry Dr. Ian Askew Dr. Sarojini Nadimpally Hashim Hounkpatin Jillian Gedeon
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Smart Investment: Using Data to Make the Case and Track Commitments

Organized by: Data2X, Groots, Guttmacher Institute Data and evidence have the power to highlight needed investments, set priorities for limited resources, and hold decision-makers accountable on commitments. This rapid-fire session will present examples…

Patrick Segawa Syed Abdul Hamid Lisa Smylie Esther Mwaura-Muiru
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm PST

Film Screenings: Women in Global Health

Heroines of Health (28:56) > "Heroines of Health" gives an intimate look into the lives of three remarkable women - Dr. Sharmila (India), Mercy (Kenya) and Mrs. Rohani (Indonesia) - who have overcome incredible challenges to become life saving forces…

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Getting It Right: Family Planning and HIV Services

Organized by: Family Planning 2020, FHI 360, UNFPA While there has been increased commitment to strengthen linkages between HIV and SRHR, insufficient headway has been made. Important upcoming studies will help us better understand the interaction between…

Ntokozo Zakwe Gifty Addico Mitchell Warren Mbencho Andrew Millan Beth Schlachter
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Taking to the Streets, Prevailing in the Courts: Demanding the Right to Safe Abortion!

Organized by: Center for Reproductive Rights, International Planned Parenthood Federation, Ipas Advocates around the world are bravely demanding their right to abortion. Mobilization on the ground in countries and communities- and critical victories…

Evelyne Opondo Lola Guerra Houda Bouzzit Musimbi Kanyoro Ailbhe Smyth
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

WORKSHOP: “But Why Would I Care?” Getting Through to Those Who (Think They) Have Heard It All Before

Organized by: Kristin Hetle In this interactive session, you'll test and take away some good communication tactics -  drawing from classic storytelling and rethorical principles  that have stood the test of time, supported by data and evidence and…

Kristin Hetle
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Looking at Innovation and Technology Through a Gender Lens

Organized by: Grand Challenges, MIT Solve, Skoll Foundation We all understand the world through by lens through which we experience it. That’s why it’s so important that engineers, designers, and technologists—who are increasingly powerful and…

Debbie Rogers Kristin Kagetsu Hala Hanna
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

How To Build and Sustain a Social Movement

Organized by: Global Fund for Women, International Women’s Health Coalition Movements are powerful drivers of change. When they are organized, coordinated, and strategic, movements can shift public opinion, spur legal and policy reform, and hold decision-makers…

Jessie Clyde Kamila Ferenc Leila Hessini Cleopatra Kambugu
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Pushing Back Against the Pushback: The Power of Women’s Organizations to Resist Resurgent National Authoritarianism

Organized by: Women Deliver Progress in gender equality is under threat in many parts of the world. What used to be considered a fringe movement has gained broader appeal and support, with a growing surge of populist and authoritarian political movements…

Carmen Barroso, PhD Jacqueline Pitanguy Neil Datta Cecilia Aransiola Jonathan Rucks Susan Papp

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