Power. Progress. Change.
3-6 June 2019 • Vancouver, Canada
View Schedule

Sunday 2 June

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

Making Connections, Demanding Rights

Hosted by: UN Women with partners The power to choose, power to decide, and power to seek services can successfully lead to women and girls realizing their rights to sexual and reproductive health services. Barriers to women's access to health and rights…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

My Baby is a Blessing Not a Curse: The Stories Behind the Statistics of Preterm Birth

Hosted by: UCSF Preterm Birth Initiative - East Africa The UCSF East Africa Preterm Birth Initiative is hosting an evening of storytelling: personal narrative, data presentation, and theatrical performance. Stories are the window into the heart of our…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

GenderPro: Building Capacity & Setting a New Credentialing Standard for Gender Professionals

Hosted by: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Women's Institute at George Washington University, and UNICEF Meet & mingle with a global network of practitioners interested in scaling up effective and equitable gender programming. During this side…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

Making The Case For Her: Breaking Taboos Around Women and Girls’ Sexual and Reproductive Health

Hosted by: The Case For Her Stigma and taboos around women’s sexual and reproductive health remain globally pervasive. The lack of knowledge about all aspects of their health – from menstruation, to female sexual pleasure, to menopause – holds…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

With the Youth, Through Nutrition, For the World

Hosted by: Save the Children UK, SUN CSO Network, ACTION, GAIN, WAGGGS Join the SUN Youth Leaders for Nutrition for a youth-friendly, interactive event to discuss adolescent nutrition around the world. There will be opportunities to hear from panelists…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

A Critical Need: Reproductive Health Care in Crisis Settings

Hosted by: Ipas and Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders Join us for an interactive reception focused on the importance of sexual and reproductive health care, including safe abortion, in humanitarian settings. Take in an exhibit that highlights…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

Critical Reflections on Meaningful Youth Participation in Research: What Can We Learn From Young Co-Researchers and Approaches that Involve Them?

Hosted by: Rutgers The "insider" status of young people as co-researchers can increase access to study informants, enhance data quality and depth, and empower young people. But it also comes with a range of challenges. What can we learn from young co-researchers,…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

Not Without a Cervix! Advocating for an Effective Cervical Cancer Response

Hosted by: TogetHER for Health, Union for International Cancer Control, American Cancer Society, Jhpiego, Project Concern International, Pathfinder International, Population Services International Each year there are 570,000 new cases of cervical cancer.…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

Right Here Right Now: Sharing Stories on Youth Leadership

Hosted by: Dance4Life The Right Here Right Now partnership envisions a world where all young people are able to access quality and youth-friendly health services, and are not afraid to openly express who they are and who they love. During our side event…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

Creating a Gender Equal World: The Transformative Power of Women’s Rights to Land

Hosted by: Landesa Join Landesa for a cocktail reception showcasing the transformative power of realizing women’s rights to land. Guests will learn through a brief program how to break down the barriers to gender-equal land rights that constrain women’s…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

Mobilizing Women's Power: Stories from the Field

Hosted by: CowaterSogema International As part of the Women Deliver 2019 Conference, CowaterSogema International will be hosting a side event, featuring female team leaders from our projects. We invite all delegates of the Women Deliver Conference to…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

Innovating to Thrive: New Models for Global Development

Hosted by: International Center for Research on Women & Project Concern International (PCI) The landscape for global development is evolving rapidly. As the weight of philanthropic and bilateral support becomes more localized, international NGOs in the…

Side Event
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST

Ensuring Program Quality: the IASC Gender with Age Marker

Hosted by: IASC GenCap Project The IASC GAM is a new tool to assess and improve gender equality programming. It automatically codes projects based on multiple-choice questions, suggesting simple actions to improve responsiveness and consistency. The…

Side Event

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