Andrée Nenkam, Scientific Officer, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics…
Melvine Obola, Volunteer, Kenyan Red Cross In 2009, the Liberia National Red Cross Society launched…
Shaista de Araújo, Project Manager, Oxford Policy Management Shaista de Araújo speaks about MUVA,…
Monica Mhoja, Ph.D., Tanzania Program Director, Landesa Land rights play a vital role in empowering…
Jasmine Burton, Founder and President, Wish for Wash How can global health organizations leverage design…
Lucina di Meco, Global Fellow, Wilson Center; Director of Girls’ Education, Room to Read Female political…
Mitzi Dean, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity, Legislative Assembly of British Columbia Mitzi…
Michael E. Bonner, Regional President, Personal & Business Banking, Bank of Montreal Women’s Access…
Onyinye Anita Edeh, Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer, Strong Enough Girls’ Empowerment Initiative…
Lina López, Women Deliver Young Leader When talking to their children about sex, parents too often…
Sandra Mullin, Senior Vice President, Vital Strategies A global leader in strategic health communication…
Awa dite Mah Camara, Conseil Consultatif National des Enfants et Jeunes du Mali Awa Camara calls on…
Nicola Jones, Ph.D., Principal Research Fellow and Director of Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence,…
Rahaf Albalkhi, World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Education is the key to unlocking the door…
Tamasha Hussein, World University Service Go on a journey with Tamasha Hussein, whose personal experiences…
Ambassador Mara Marinaki, EU/EEAS Pr. Advisor on Gender/WPS The European Union is a leading pioneer…
Paul Winters, Associate Vice-President, Strategy and Knowledge Department, International Fund for Agricultural…
Faith Mwangi-Powell, Ph.D., Global Director, The Girl Generation Faith Mwangi-Powell believes that if…
Jane Sembuche Mselle, Country Director, WaterAid Uganda Jane Sembuche Mselle describes the power of…
Nathalie Metheuver, Executive Director, CHOICE for Youth & Sexuality With all staff, board members and…
Shailja Dilip Mehta, Associate Director, Dasra Shailja Dilip Mehta introduces India’s first multistakeholder…
Beth Schlachter, Executive Director, FP2020 FP2020 aims to enable 120 million more women and girls to…
Deborah Birx, MD, Ambassador-at-Large and United States Global AIDS Coordinator Adolescent girls and…
Lindsey Dietschi, Lead, Global Health Partnerships, Pfizer Women are the Chief Medical Officers of their…
HRH Princess Sarah Zeid, Global Advocate When emergencies strike, women, girls, children, and newborns…
Faysal El Kak, M.D., Vice President, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) As…
Lucky Gill, Founder and President of Global Girl Power As the third unwanted daughter, Lucky Gill’s…
Estrella Alcalde, Project Director, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Pathfinder International…
Esenam Nyador, Founder, Miss Taxi Esenam Nyador has made a name for herself — “Miss Taxi” —…
Carolyn Miles, CEO and President, Save The Children Today, 1 in 5 children live in a conflict-zone and…
Fale Lesa, Indigenous Youth Adviser, Edge Effect In Samoa, power has long been organized by family chief…
Nasreen Sheikh, Founder and CEO, The circumstances of Nasreen Sheikh's life have allowed…
Giselle Portenier, Documentary filmmaker, journalist, activist In her 2018 documentary “In The Name…
Angie Dazé, Associate, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Angie Dazé explains…
Deanna Bass, Global Director – Diversity & Inclusion, P&G Advertising influences how we see the world…
Subeksha Poudel, Senior Manager, Communications and Gender Equity & Social Inclusion, Possible In western…
Jacqueline Novogratz, Founder and CEO, Acumen Under Jacqueline Novogratz’s leadership, Acumen invests…
Joana Bacallo, Youth Leader, Wimler Foundation – Hong Kong and the Philippines Water is everyone's…
Kerri-Ann Guyah, Vector Control/Environmental Compliance Manager, Abt Associates Abt Associates’ Zika…
Nancy Durrell McKenna, Founder and Director, SafeHands for Mothers With 35 years of experience as an…
Naveen Rao, M.D., Managing Director and Advisor to the President, The Rockefeller Foundation Dr. Naveen…
Carole Sekimpi, Country Director, Marie Stopes International (MSI), Uganda Dr. Carole Sekimpi powerfully…
Tanya Pisarchuk, Co-Founder, She Leads Everything Since launching a new educational and social project…
Innocent Grant, Clinical Officer, COTC Sexual Health Club of Mtwara As a child, Innocent Grant had a…
Carla Eckhardt, Senior Director, Global Women's Health & Special Issues in Women's Health, American…
Josephine Nabukenya, Ambassador, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Like so many children living…
Chika Ogochukwu Yinka-Banjo, Ph.D., Department of Computer Sciences, University of Lagos, Africa Institute…
Tasneem Kakal, Junior Advisor/Researcher, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) As a young girl in India, Tasneem…
Paulette Frank, Worldwide VP for Environmental Health, Safety, & Sustainability, Johnson & Johnson Johnson…
Erica Zanotti, Manager of Social Programs, Instituto Consulado da Mulher (The Women´s Consulate) Erica…
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