Power. Progress. Change.
3-6 June 2019 • Vancouver, Canada
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About Press Program

The Women Deliver 2019 Conference is where the world gathers to drive progress on gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women. All journalists attending the conference will have access to high-level speakers and attendees representing experts in development, elected officials, global advocates and the next generation of leaders. During the conference, media will have access to the media center and a daily press program featuring breaking news and research coming out of the conference.

Ativador Office 2010 

Media Registration

Preregistration is now over. Media may register on site.

To register, you will need to provide information including:

  • Your name and media outlet
  • Links or PDFs of relevant articles/pieces
  • A letter of assignment from your news organization
  • A photocopy of your press badge

We will review media registrations and respond within two weeks of submission.

Media Scholarships

Women Deliver is offering fully-funded scholarships to attend the conference for a select group of media representatives. The scholarship application submission process closed on 15 January 2019 and scholarships were awarded in March 2019. If you have not received an update on your scholarship application, please email wd2019media@womendeliver.org.

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